The history of the doctoral and master’s programs in physics at the University of Tsukuba dates back to its predecessor, the Tokyo University of Education, where Dr. Shinichiro Tomonaga developed renormalization theory in quantum electrodynamics and won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965. Since then we have continued to produce significant research results, which have been recognized by the prizes and awards such as the Nishina Memorial Prize, the Japan IBM Science Prize, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Prize, the Japan Academy Prize. More recent accomplishments include the discoveries of the top quark and the Higgs particle. We conduct research in advanced areas of physics, and will continue to produce world-class results.
The degree programs in physics offer education and research in the following fields.
- Particle physics
- Theoretical particle physics, Experimental particle physics
- Astrophysics
- Theoretical Astrophysics, Observational Astrophysics
- Nuclear physics
- Theoretical Nuclear physics, Experimental Nuclear physics (Low energy nuclear experiments, High energy nuclear experiments, Atomic cluster experiments)
- Condensed matter physics
- Theoretical condensed matter physics (Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, Quantum theory of condensed matter, Nano-quantum materials science physics, Soft matter theory, Semiconductor nano-materials science physics, Nano-structure materials science physics), Computational biophysics, Experimental condensed-matter physics (Magnetic materials physics, Semiconductor physics, Strongly-correlated materials physics, Surface physics, Low temperature physics)
- Plasma
- Plasma experiment, plasma simulation, Analysis of plasmas in large-scale fusion devices
The curriculum of the degree programs in physics is systematically organized by taking advantage of its two-term structure. In the master’s program, students learn the broad basics of physics in fundamental subjects, acquire advanced knowledge in each field in specialized subjects, and then carry out creative research under close supervision by advisors. The program is aimed at fostering researchers and highly-skilled professionals who possess a deep understanding of physics, have creativity in research in their specialized fields, and have flexibility to apply their skills to other sciences and technologies. In addition, the program offers an English Course for English-speaking students, enabling them to gain a master’s degree solely by attending classes given in English.
The doctoral program is designed to help students acquire a broad perspective through research, and become independent researchers by developing basic skills, application skills, and the determination and endurance. In particular, a doctoral dissertation needs to be written in English, and in many cases be reviewed by committee members consisting of leading extramural researchers in the field.
In the fields of particle physics, nuclear physics, and astrophysics, we offer a special educational system: the Unified Educational Program for the History of the Universe. Graduate students enrolled in this program can conduct their research in a relatively long term at overseas research hubs, and thus obtain international research expertise. Also, the Educational Program for the High Energy Accelerator Science is offered in cooperation with the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) on education and research. In addition, we offer the Dual-Degree Program, which enables the students to obtain both a doctoral degree and a master’s degree in different fields of academics, for example, a doctoral degree in theoretical nuclear physics and a master’s degree in computer science. For researchers having achieved adequate research results in industry or other institutions, we offer the Early-Ending Program, which enables completion of a doctoral program in one year at the shortest.